My name is Ethan Strak. Click the button below to get in touch or read on to find out more about me.
From studying a masters’ degree at the University of Warwick to a career in stable isotope ratio analysis (aka SIRA), chemistry has always been my passion.
Currently my work mostly involves using isotopic analysis to determine the authenticity of food products. By using isotope ratio mass spectrometry we are able to obtain a molecular “fingerprint” of the food and use multivariant statistics to compare it to a database of known samples. This is then used to determine consistency with a claimed geographical origin or production system. Sometimes this can be expanded into broader chemometric approaches by combining this technique with trace elemental analysis or Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to create even more powerful models comprising hundreds or even thousands of variables. I also represent my current institution as a member of the steering group at the Forensic Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Network (FIRMS).
Since during my studies I specialised in organic, biological and medicinal chemistry, I also became involved in DNA sequencing for speciation in food testing as well. I use qPCR as well as next generation sequencing techniques to identify the species present in samples. When I have time, I have also been working on a way to incorporate the information gained from these techniques into the statistical analysis I use in SIRA. This would be particularly useful to help in establishing the authenticity of plant products as variety can vary geographically as well as the isotopic composition.
My love of food goes far beyond my work, specifically back home into my kitchen.
From an early age my parents instilled in me the importance of from-scratch cooking. Whilst we all know home-cooked food is often more nutritious (and delicious) than a takeaway or ready meal, food can often be an experience rather than just sustenance. My ideal Saturday is often spending the afternoon in the kitchen making something delicious for family, friends, or even just me and my wife. I have even been known to take part in a competition now and again.
Being a food analyst, sometimes the line between kitchen and laboratory can become very thin. With a growing collection of books on the science behind cooking, I enjoy researching how different flavour pairings can be achieved based on the aroma profile of the food and how to balance them. Although my personal favourite area to explore is how varying the temperature and pressure during cooking can affect the outcome. I have even been known to use a water bath to cook a vacuum-sealed steak to the perfect temperature!
I became a Christian when I was around 16 and since then it has remained an integral part of my life.
I started leading bible studies when I was at university as part of the Christian Union and when I came home after finishing my studies, I was given the privilege of leading Sunday services. I even preach out at other churches from time-to-time. As well as many “one off” sermons, I have also delivered larger series - in the New Testament on Ephesians 1 and in the Old Testament on the book of Ruth. Although, I’ll never forget my first sermon which was on the verse opposite.
You can find links to some of my sermons below.